New Year Sex and Relationship Resolutions

Happy New Year! Here’s my column that appeared in Ciao magazine…

Celebrate and respect that initial sexual attraction you both first felt when you met.

This is what first drew you together and should not be forgotten. It can be very destructive to a relationship if the times between sexual contact are too long. No matter how fast paced and busy our lives are or how familiar our partner might become to us; it is crucial we never stop seeing them as our lover first and foremost. I see so many clients who have put sex and intimacy on the back burner and this creates a myriad of problems.

Lots of good sex with our partner is beneficial for our health, our blood pressure, our hearts and the health of the relationship! ­ This leads to my next resolution…

Prioritise sex and make time for it.

Schedule in sex dates. If you are too busy and don’t have time to have sex with your partner then it’s time to sit down and re-schedule! If you can start saying no to that party or function that is road blocking your desires and spend time with no one but your partner. Have a night in (or outside if that’s what you like!) with your skin pressing against theirs.

If you’re single, prioritise your self loving practice. Explore your body and new ways of pleasure! Think of your sexuality like a plant that needs watering and attention to grow, flower and thrive. It doesn’t grow on its own if you don’t nurture it. Working on your own sexuality will open you up to greater pleasure and creativity.

For singles looking for a partner or wanting to stop meeting the same types of people all the time; book in a session with me to discover how you are blocking your own happiness and changing the patterns that are keeping you back.




Resolve to “fight fair” for 2015.

9d8fd7accf094a12361a59f9b1cb8a8bArguments will happen but try to stay calm, truly listen to your partner and notice the pain that is prompting their words. My clients have transformed their relationship by learning how to communicate, listen and resolve conflict in a relationship more effectively.

Masterful business communicators can crumble and struggle with communicating in an intimate relationship because the stakes are so much higher and the rules can be a lot less clear.

Resolve to stop doing these things with your partner that are not conducive to a healthy relationship; stonewall (silent treatment), storm out, hanging up, go to bed angry, slam doors or lash out with cruel and personal attacks.

Don’t be a “kitchen sink fighter” and throw in every past blunder your partner has ever made! This will inflame the situation and build resentment. Keep things relevant and specific and try to be assertive not passive, aggressive or passive aggressive.

Book in a therapy session with me if you’d like to learn good relationship communication skills and transform how you relate with your lover.

Broaden your definition of sex for 2015.

Photo Manipulations by Alexandria ThompsonLet’s embrace our sexuality and the many different ways we can have “sex.”
Sex is not just about actual intercourse but about any erotic activity that involves some sort of touch. Some could say touch isn’t even needed- (why look at tantra and breath orgasms­) but it’s about being present and in your body!

Put down your mobile, get out of your head and connect with your lover! Explore different ways of giving and receiving pleasure that don’t focus on performance and goal orientations! And of course above all ­have fun! Joke, play and laugh. Sex with the right person is good for you!



Here’s to a lush and pleasure ­filled 2015!

Catherine O Dowd

Spring time and new beginnings. You have to let go to move forward.

‘Dreaming Tree’ by Christian Schloe

Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” – C. S. Lewis..


I’ve been meditating about new beginnings as we start the season of Spring. Spring is a fitting time to start afresh, start an emotional, mental and spiritual “spring clean” for yourself. Ask yourself these questions…

What do you need to let go of so that you can truly move forward?

What’s holding you back?

What’s keeping you stagnant and in the same holding pattern?

Are you enacting the same destructive patterns in your relationships?

Spring is a good time to start becoming aware of these patterns and start shifting them. Transpersonal art therapy works on a deep level to shift unconscious blocks that may have started in childhood. I use psychoanalysis combined with hypnosis like techniques and art therapy to help you uncover deep blockages and patterns. Becoming aware of these unconscious blocks can be how some of my clients describe, “a light bulb switching on” so they are more able to make conscious decisions in their life and move forward in a more positive and healed way..

You can’t change what has happened in your life and relationships, but you can create a new beginning, one choice at a time. Sometimes it’s not a true ending, it’s the same thing beginning in a new way.


Spring is  a fitting time to let go of negative and toxic relationships in your life and seek out healthy and positive connections in a “spring cleaning” of your emotional life.  It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to tell these types of people to, “get stuffed” but you can love them from a distance and lengthen the cord between you. Despite their good points, some people just dump their negativity on us and if you don’t see things ever changing releasing that person from your inner circle can be beneficial. Sometimes we continually attract similar types of people into our lives; friends or lovers that might be re-enacting a similar toxic power balance we may have learnt from a young age was ‘normal.’

I encourage you to take the first step and come and see me. It can take a lot of courage seeking help but I am open minded, non-judgemental and you will find me easy to talk to. Click on the link and send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.



Welcome Spring and new intentions

The first week of Spring1966800_10152357079634716_6718747922863980584_n here in the southern hemisphere is an exciting time to set new intentions for your life. There’s a new energy in the air! Spring is a time of rebirth and revival, and engages our psyche all the unlimited possibilities open to us. Even if we are not aware on a conscious level, the longer days, warmer weather, sunshine and smell of flowers in the air are energising us.

An intention is not a goal or pushing yourself. Goal making for the short, mid and long term is an important skill to have but intention making is very different.




An intention is an authentic instance and when done with love and gratitude can take your life to another level. An intention is a tender and kind promise you make to your psyche or soul about how you want to live, love, act and feel and what you want to attract into your life.

Making an intention is a practice that focusses on how you feel in the present moment. You create an intention for yourself on what is the most important to you and you make a conscious commitment to re-align your outward actions with your inner values. It’s called a practice because it’s an ever evolving process. You don’t set your intentions and forget about them, you live them everyday.
What we think, we become. When purpose and intention flow together in your life, miracles happen!
Learning to set intentions for sex, love and relationships can radically transform them. Get in touch with me to book a session to learn how.

What intentions do you have for Spring?405abe364f6b90910b582d5122dfe5e9

Setting up my new therapy room!

The view from the therapy roomI’ve been working hard setting up my new therapy space today. I’m consciously creating a harmonious space that is perfect for transformation, healing and growth. It’s part counselling space/part art therapy studio and part bushland retreat! I can spread out all my art and clay therapy materials out, and I can burn a candle or oils for meditation exercises to create the perfect peaceful atmosphere for my clients. It is a truly healing space for clients that have suffered trauma, abuse or any upheavals. The sounds of Nature and the birds in the trees are the perfect backdrop for art therapy exercises and meditations.

Do you think you would find this a relaxiCat O'Dowd's therapy roomng space to work on healing and transforming yourself?  I find Nature very healing and relaxing and the view of the National Park out the wrap around windows creates such a soothing atmosphere. I’ve put bunches of fresh flowers throughout the space and burnt some sage. It feels like a sacred space and I’m ready to see my clients here. I’m just sp excited to start using this space tomorrow!

I see my clients in a clinic in Sydney’s CBD, Rozelle and now in this beautiful bushland retreat on Sydney’s north shore. Please get in touch if you would like to book a session with me and change your life.

Thank you for your support!

My private practice is growing from strength to strength thanks to you wonderful, courageous people who are willing to invest in changing, healing and transforming yourselves.
I feel especially delighted that so many clients are coming to me who have never seen a therapist or counsellor before until they heard about me and felt like my message resonated with them. I’m also humbled by the clients I’m getting coming to me that were disenchanted with more mainstream psychologists and their approach. Finding a therapist that is right for you is a very individual thing. If you are investing time and money into yourself and your relationship then you want to find someone who you can relate to. So, thank you!

Thanks for believing in me! This is truly a wonderful journey and I’m so honoured to get to work with such incredible people. It is so rewarding to help people and see them reach moments of realisation and insight and go on to transform their lives for the better. My clients are brave and strong people. Thank you all so much for your support.

You can get in touch with me here,